Or could it be complexity?
Sometimes advertising creatives, in this case, the copyIn the case of a product, they are so hard-pressed to sell a product that what is obvious to them can be confusing to the viewers of the ad. Today we give a recent example of this.
The Danish agency & Co was hired by the shoe company Bianco Footwear for its new graphic advertising campaign. We don't know the briefing the agency was given, nor whether or not the target The brand's main target are gays or is it that the creatives decided that the horniest way to sell these shoes was to use a gay wink, the truth is that once the graphic reaches our eyes we stay for a while trying to decipher the relationship between the campaign slogan, the image that accompanies it and the brand itself.

The creatives, and especially the art directors, are to be congratulated for not falling into the typical gay clichés, the muscular gay model with an interesting face and full lips showing abs. Instead, the four pieces (two boy couples and two girl couples) are a far cry from what is typical in advertising aimed at this group (or at this commercial purpose). Highlighting the use of color of soft and harmonious shades. Perhaps this is the key to the campaign and what helps to get the message (or humorous wink), avoiding showing the stereotypical image of gays, which makes us feel curious about the ad and spend a few seconds wondering where the joke is. Because let's be honest, if we had been shown the typical image of D&G or CK, we would have hardly stopped, because of the continuous bombardment to which we are usually subjected by these ads, whether for heteros or gays, where the meat is the only protagonist, and the slogan has little to contribute.
The slogan is simple (How to double your collection) but it becomes complex if we don't catch the wink at first. How to double your shoe collection? and the answer is given by an image - not erotic but sentimental - of a same-sex couple... It's actually a cliché among homosexual couples or between siblings. One advantage of being gay is that you can share your wardrobe with your partner.
Agency: & Co., Denmark
Creative Director: Thomas Hoffmann
Artistic Directors: Thomas Hoffmann, Martin Storgaard, Jesper Schmidt
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