Writing stuff since 2008

You can access from here to our yearbook of frivolities, the things we have written since we created this blog.

2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008

animation (7) Apple (5) Architecture (8) China (9) cinema (5) food (4) coronavirus (14) COVID-19 (21) crisis (6) design (9) graphic design (4) Disney (6) USA (6) USA (10) facebook (13) fake (4) photography (8) France (7) Google (8) graphic (8) IA (8) illustration (11) Instagram (6) Japan (17) logo (4) London (8) Madrid (4) masters of design (4) Marketing (5) Metro (4) Milton Glaser (4) design myths (7) Christmas (4) gay pride (5) packaging (9) pandemic (12) Paris (4) Photoshop (4) social networks (6) TikTok (5) TV (4) Twitter (6) UK (5) USA (6) youtube (6)